الاثنين، 29 أغسطس 2011

Protect your skin grape

Madrid: Spaniards, researchers found that the grapes containing the active substances which can reduce the amount of skin cells damaged by exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet.

The researcher Marta Kescant and her colleagues at the University «Barcelona», according to the newspaper "Times" that the UV active molecules called «reactive oxygen species» in the cells of the skin, the particles in turn oxidize fat molecules and DNA, stimulating some of the reactions and enzymes that cause the death of cells.

 The scientists found that some of the polyphenolic material derived from grapes, can reduce the formation of the «reactive oxygen species» in human skin cells exposed to ultraviolet rays.

These polyphenolic substances inhibit the generation of reactive oxygen species, and thus prevent the activation of enzymes that cause cell death, which means that it has a protective effect against X-ray solar UV.

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